Korda Institute for Teaching is a U.S. based nonprofit equipping educators globally
On a mission to do school better, Doris Korda is the CEO of Korda Institute for Teaching and works with schools globally to transform teaching and learning. Adopted in schools from Cleveland to Kazakhstan, Korda’s teaching methods have empowered thousands of educators and students in urban and rural schools and districts around the world. Her school change process incorporates agile development and an innovation adoption model that equips school leaders to make healthy systemic shifts for their teachers and students.
Prior to her 26 years as an educator, Korda spent 15 years as a systems engineer and tech entrepreneur, turning a small network business into a $1B publicly traded company. Korda developed Hawken School’s globally recognized entrepreneurial studies program, designed the Mastery School of Hawken’s curriculum, assessment model and teaching methods, and is the co-originator of the Mastery Transcript Consortium, an initiative to change the high school transcript to reflect the unique skills, strengths, and interests of each learner.
Diverse team of leaders with deep experience across sectors.

Dr. Danielle Bomar

Tod Francis

Tim Junglas

Doris Korda

Dr. John LePelley

Mel McGee

Karen Miner-Romanoff

Julie Raskind

Lisa Stein